Spring Cleaning

I forgot I even wrote this. It's a bit late...I guess I'll post it anyway.

I really need to use this thing more often. Oh well, well at least I'm using it now. Spring is almost here so I might as well dust of the old blog for the season.

Oh ya, quick shout out to the few people who actually read these, thanks for your time folks.

 A lot has changed sine I last posted; some for the the better, some for the worse.

School is....ermmm, in a sub-optimal state of affairs at the moment. Luckily, this year I have enough credits to get out of school early every other day and it really helps with the urge to skip. Speaking of skipping, I might have got in trouble for forging some notes here and there, but that's for another time. My early release day classes are a breeze for me and are pretty much nap-time. On the other had my A-day classes are 3/4 AP courses; I really have no excuse for such sub-par performance in those classes because they're all conceptually simple.

Human geo is a my freshman level AP class with my subtlety racist teacher, Mr. (Dick)erson, and I really just never turned in the study guides and never studied for reading quizzes. Don't quote me 100% one this, but I think he got suspended or fired for some inappropriate comments towards a student. Poor guy, he''s sorta of an a-hole, but in a non-PC old white dude kinda way. I dunno if he'll come back, but I'm banking on his temporary leave to catch some Z's in class.

Statistics and Studio Art are a work ethic disaster. Earlier in the year I was decently motivated and turned homework in on time along with consistent  A/B's. After the 2nd nine weeks started everything took a nose dive like last year and since then my tardiness has been off the charts. For Art I can't seem to find any motivation for my pieces like I was able to before, and I'm always  dissatisfied with my pieces (probably because most are rushed). Even though my friends help me out with HW answers n' other math related junk I still don't turn my work or study for tests and quizzes. The class is so simple, yet I fall short because I don't do any work.

One highlight of this year's classes is my study hall. Well it was a study hall until I became an aid for Barnhart in AP Physics. I'm hardly an aide. Hitchhiker would best describe my position. The class itself is stacked with a bunch of people I can I talk to, so I just walk around the room and socialize. My current go-to routine is to drive William crazy or sleep in the back. Sometimes I'll just chat with some friends if I can't find anything to do, but I really should be studying or doing HW. I found out  halfway through the year that I could just leave the class and go wherever and Barnhart wouldn't care, so now I'll occasionally head over to the art room or crash 2nd lunch if I don't feel like staying class.

Academically, I just need to make sure I pass. It's kinda sad that my standards have dropped that low, but I just need to get high school over with and start fresh. Honestly, I don't even know if I'll get accepted into UVA, VT, GMU, JMU, and/or VCU, so I really don't know what this next year hods in store for my education.

I wanna apologize to my boys on the tennis team, because I let em' down again. Most of them probably on't care for me much and that's perfectly fine, but I still feel like I owe them an apology for not playing this year. Tennis went down the drain just like almost every other high school subject. I disappointed myself and everyone else on the team by not playing well enough and my lack of eligibility to play for the past two years. My effort was never there either. I was disappointed with my match-choking and under-performance, but with such a little amount of practice those results should've been expected. This year I just couldn't face up against failure again.

Maybe I'll spend my extra time to focus on academics most likely not) or on semi-competitive Dota. Hopefully my brother can do better than me in his high school tennis career. Anyways...

Gl hf boys.

There are still a few more aspects of school I wanna mention while I clean out my mind, but I'll talk about that those topics in another post. I've had this kinda just sitting here for around a month so I might as well post what I have.




I got into VCU and weight listed at GMU. I guess there's some hope.


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