Graphing Calculators...gah

Calculators. As a freshman, Algebra II is the most advanced math class available for me. Sometimes we have to use graphing calculators to help with more complicated problems. 

Recently I misplaced my usual graphing calculator, and my mom had to go out of her way to get me a new
one. My calculator I had lost was a TI-84, which cost about $130-150, and the new one she bought was the TI-83 (an older model), which cost around $100-120

My question is...WHY DO THESE COST SO MUCH?

First off, they look outdated and seem like a brick. I mean really, it's been almost
10 years since the 84 was released, and they can't make it any more compact?
I mean sure, it has to have space for all those buttons, but can't Texas Instruments
make some sort of thinner calculator within the 8 years of the TI-84's release?

Now hears my main problem for paying $100+ for this PoS. With all these 
tech advancements we've had during the past few years, such as SSD's,
cheaper memory, etc; could it be possible to beef up the specs on these
things? 128-48 Kb of RAM? Not even 1 Gb of memory? What is this, 1995?
If you can have an iPod touch, with 256 Mb of RAM for $200 
(and iPod are even overpriced), can't you at least get
a calculator for 1/2 of 3/4 of that price with some better specs? Is it that hard to
fit a flash drive's worth of memory capacity into it? Maybe a processor stronger 
than 6 MHz? Think of all the potential a calculator could have with better specs.

Now finally, if the specs were upgraded, think of all the math and science apps
that could be made in a simple, yet effective appstore. In general apps don't cost that much
to begin with (Graphing Calculator apps are $20 tops), so why not make a free app store
for students that would allow users, and TI to create apps to allow a better user experience.
Maybe even make an official graphing calculator app...
Even with minimum specs, thousands of apps could be created to help better the lives 
of students. It just frustrates me that TI refuses to do so

The newer TI-Inspire series is somewhat of an upgrade, but I still think that TI could do
much better creating a better calculator. Maybe I should start my own electronics company, 
since TI won't really improve on anything they make. 



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