Life After Death...and Taxes (An Inside Look in My Head)
So the topic o' the week is Life, Death, and some of stuff in between!
Well here's something that a lot of you might not have known about me.
I'm actually pretty intrigued by the natural cycle of life and death. To some it might seem odd, but this is something I enjoy looking into sometimes.
Examples of stuff that interests me includes "What happens after I die?", "How did life begin?", "Why are we here?", "What's the purpose of killing?' and stuff like that.
The internet is as vast and wondrous place filled with really cool and interesting stuff, as well as darker things. Whenever I see a picture, video, gif, or some form of media that shows the darker side of the world, it interests me a little. For example combat footage, executions, murder cases, warfare, are things that most would be set off by, but that isn't quite the case with me. This is also why when I see stuff that's normally "gross" to others, that I'm usually fine with it.
When I spot stuff like that it make me wonder why all this stuff is necessary, the reason behind it all. This will probably tie into some philosophical stuffs and morals and blah, blah, blah, but this post isn't really meant to go to in depth into the subject, and it's more like a inside look into some stuff that goes on inside my head. ^^
Ideals from different religions and people also interest me!
As an open minded Christian that is willing to accept the ideals of others, as well as tweak my ideals based on new stuff I've learned helps better understand others when they feel certain ways, or when I see people act the way they do. So for example the standpoints from a Muslim vs. a Deist on the after life and creation is another thing that I enjoy looking into as well. It also helps gain information used during defending my own ideals or trying to talk to someone of different ideals as well.
Having an open mind willing to accept and tolerate the different ideas of others is something I find very hard to find these days, but for those who do have that mindset, I greatly appreciate it! :)
So I hope you had fun having a little tour around Brandon's head and how I think on a daily basis.
See ya next time (hopefully I'm not dead until then heheh)!
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